We offer off-the-shelf services

Rapid Process Opportunity Assessments

We work with your people to develop a detailed process map and quantify the work-flows, allowing us to identify and prioritize key opportunities for improvement. We then model the impact of those improvements and quantify the benefits in as little as one week.

Solution Value Assessment

“What impact will an outsourcing and/or technology solution have on day-to-day work and results?” We have answered this question for both sellers (to assist the sale) and buyers (to get an objective view of a particular solution). Our assessment consists of developing a detailed process map of the impacted process and then quantifying the workflows. We then identify the activities impacted, and model the staffing and related cost reduction potential of a proposed solution. This can be done in as little as one week.


A customer’s call for assistance frequently represents an encounter of last resort, mostly because the product or service did not perform as expected in the first place. We listen to calls, identify the root causes, define solutions and implement a small- scale proof-of-concept, all within a few weeks.


Suspended claims, and manual intervention, in most cases should not occur. Again, we seek to identify the root causes, define solutions and implement a small-scale proof-of-concept, all within a few weeks.


Need rapid change and rapid results, but have no money, time, or people to get it done? Then enable your people to jump to solutions with fast teams and fast results. A customer-centric cross-functional team will work wonders when they have clear goals and manage and improve their own performance. We can help you rapidly create such a team, define the workflow, and create the right environment for immediate success.


The success of a new system in day-to-day operation depends upon new workflows, job design, and a workforce motivated to make it work. We audit and quantify the impact of a new system on workflow and workforce performance well before implementation, and suggest corrective actions to help insure success.

We offer facilitation of large-scale work

Process Design & Transformation Initiatives

Business Process Analysis & Redesign (2 to 9 months)

We work with a client’s team leader and a 4-8 person cross-functional team to assess customer requirements, the current process, workload characteristics. Then we develop clear design specifications, design options, and convey the principles of good business process & customer experience design. This leads into the high level design session, followed by detail design of the new way work will be done.

Brand New Process Designs (2 to 6 months)

Similar to the description above, except a new design project skips some of the assessment effort required in the redesign of an existing process.

Business Transformation Planning (4 to 6 months)

We facilitate executive teams to develop a common vision of the future, with a clear transformation plan to make it happen.

Organization Opportunity Assessment & Alignment (1 to 2 months)

We develop an external profile of the key process workflows and performance requirements (as perceived by the 'customers' of a function); then work with your people to highlight the internal view and performance gaps; and then, with our focus on what it takes to get work done, we are able to to identify and prioritize key opportunities for improving organizational alignment.